I've been reading about the South Camden Theater Company in the Rutgers Camden student newspaper, The Gleaner, but hadn't seen anything in the mainstream press about it, or been able to track down much tangible information about it. Recent plays have been performed in the basement of the Sacred Heart Church. However, according to today's
Inquirer ("A Neglected Corner Will Stage a Comeback" by Kristen A. Graham), Joseph Paprzycki, the driving force behind the theater company, has found a home, or at least a future home:
The once popular Walt's Cafe - his grandfather's bar at Fourth and Jasper - is a long-abandoned eyesore that will soon be transformed into the home of the South Camden Theater Company.
Five hundred people came to see the company's first production last year. The company will present Acts of War, five plays about the war in Iraq, beginning April 21 at Sacred Heart.
The company hopes to move into its new home next spring.
If You Go
The South Camden Theater Company will present Acts of War at 8 p.m. Fridays, 1:30 and 8 p.m. Saturdays, and 1:30 p.m. Sundays from April 21 through May 6 in the basement of Sacred Heart Church, Broadway and Ferry Avenue, Camden.
Tickets are $15; students and senior citizens pay $10.
For tickets or more information, call 856-456-2850 or e-mail camdentheater@aol.com.